Have you ever been Hoffed at the office? You’ve left your workstation unattended (a big no-no for all you penetration testing and network security types out there), and when you’ve returned some goofball co-worker has affectionately changed your desktop to a beautiful image of David Haselhoff?

It happens to the best of us.

It’s hilarious, but it also might be a tad frustrating to know someone had such unfettered access to your computer. But something else could be even more frustrating: being snooped on while you work (or, uh, while you are “taking a break” checking on something personal). We’ve all had the experience of suddenly being surprised to discover that someone is standing behind you, peering at what’s on your screen. And how long have they been there? Who knows what they’ve seen and might later be snickering about in the break room (or using for some other nefarious purpose).

For professionals in the compliance sector, be it healthcare, government or anyone else who deals with sensitive information, this sneaked-up-upon experience, often referred to as “visual hacking”, could also be career-ending. Being Hoffed would be the least of your problems. Being caught by the boss checking your Facebook would be pretty embarrassing, too, though.

This is where the Cyndr Sentry comes in handy. Our device is designed to protect you from cubicle sneakers, lurkers and other pranksters who might try to find out who your fantasy football picks are, or who are out to steal sensitive company data. Get a Sentry,protect your privacy and personal space, and never be a loser in the never-ending cubicle wars!

Author cyndrteam
Categories Blog Uncategorized
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